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The Recess Period in School (3 Essays)

By: Faizan Ali

Essay No.1 (584 Words)

Of course, recess time is the most enjoyable time in school after learning hard from the first period. There are two recess time in my school. These two recess time are essential for us to unwind and to fill up growling stomach.As soon as the school bell rings for recess, all students perk up. School work burden is forgotten, at least for a while. All the sorrows of being scolded and getting bad marks are forgotten. There will be a stampede towards the canteen. The junior students particularly are chattering in a jovial mood. However, there will be some students going for meetings, going to the library and the washrooms to refresh themselves. Only a minority stays in class.

The benches in the canteen at recess time are never unoccupied. Some of them even have to put their things on the tables in the canteen to ensure a seat. An advantage in size could certainly be a great help here. Every stall is always crowded with students. Some of the hawkers are not able to serve the customers at once. It is also hard to walk through the rowdy crowd in the canteen. Believe me, you will experience being pushed from one side to another.

Some hearty laugh and chat are always heard. Though recess time may seem short, it is the time for students to share endless gossip with their peers. Very often you will hear the hawkers screaming at the top of their voices to control the students from pushing and shoving. Some prefects are on duty to control these "uncivilized people". Unfortunately, it makes not much difference. And of course, some impatient students will scream out: "Quick, Auntie, quick, the bell for going back to class will ring soon."

Meantime in the library, several students are busy searching and skimming the books for extra reading and setting information for their assignments. Several students can be seen engrossed in the daily news with their best friends. The scene in the library during recess time is quiet and full of discipline although some quiet chat can be heard.

Some hard-working student or I should say bookworm will stay in their own class to finish their homework or revise. While some students are seen carrying out their cleanliness duty. You may see of a couple of girls diligently mopping the windows, sweeping the floor and cleaning the blackboard. It is certainly pleasant to study in a spick and span class room.

Some of the students will also enjoy walking around the passageways in front of the classrooms or in the park chatting with their peers. Some younger students who have not 'tasted' school work pressure play hide and seek with their friends. While the older ones are deep in thought in some corners. A few are seen trying to solve additional Maths or Physics problems. Certainly, one will also see some pupils running here and there along the passageway while the others just loiter around.

In the wash rooms, you may find some students washing their faces to refresh themselves after studying hard since morning. Some even have to stand in a queue for a while to use the toilets. The toilets are never unoccupied. Each class has is specified for its own toilet.

All in all, I can say that the scene in my school during recess time is one of noise and many students. Students enjoy their own activities during this time. I, myself, enjoy every moment of recess time very much.

Essay No.2 (536 Words)

Recess means a period of relaxation. It comes after four periods continuous study. So everybody likes it after hard work. The recess period comes usually in the middle of the school hours. Its object is to allow some time to the teachers and the taught to refresh themselves mentally and physically.

Sometimes, before the recess period, the students feel bored. They become inattentive to the lessons. They no longer follow the teachers. They grow tired of their lessons. They look forward to the recess period. Some of the naughty boys approach the school peon and ask him to ring the bell. All this shows that change is badly needed.

As soon as the recess bell goes, all the boys shut their books and put them in their bags. They go out. This action of the boys sometimes makes the teacher angry. But they cannot help it. They want to be free for some time. They wish to remain away from the dull atmosphere of the class.

When the students come out of their classrooms, they relax them- selves in different ways. The boys of rich families enjoy nice things- sweets, fruit or milk which their parents send for them. The boys belonging to middle class families eat some cheap things, which they buy from the hawkers, who reach school by the time of recess period. The poor boys generally bring food and eat it in the classrooms. Some schools have canteens. No hawker is allowed in the campus. We get tea, fruits, and other things in canteen. Rates are fixed. Seats are neat and clean.

Having satisfied their hunger for recreation boys sit in groups and talk about many things. Sometimes subject of their talk is some teacher whom they hate. At other times, it is some unpopular boy. At times, however, they talk of politics. The students of lower classes play with balls in the playground. Very often they use their time in laughing and merry making. Some weak or absent students complete their home work.

As soon as the recess period is over, the happy mood of the students goes away. They become serious again. They run to their class rooms, lest they should be late, because they have their second attendance. Recess period has become a regular feature in everyday life. These days there is an interval of half an hour in almost all offices. Nearly all the shops in the towns also enjoy lunch time. As soon as the recess period is over, the happy mood of the students goes away. They become serious again. They run to their class rooms, lest they should be late, because they have their second attendance. Recess period has become a regular feature in everyday life. These days there is an interval of half an hour in almost all offices. Nearly all the shops in the towns also enjoy lunch time.

In winter, some institutions have two recesses-one short and other long. First break is given after two periods and second after fifth period. To enjoy the recess period depends on the nature and need of student. One can go either to canteen or to library. The main motto is how to refresh for further study.

Essay No.3 (207 Words)

Recess period is a very important period in the school. It comes after four periods. After continuous studies for three hours, we get tired. Recess period is a welcome break. The children rush out from their classes as soon as the recess bell goes.

All the teachers and students refresh themselves in the recess period. The children buy eatables from hawkers, who visit in school during recess period. There is also a great rush at the school tuck-shop. Many of the students bring their packed refreshments. They sit on the lawns or under the trees to have their refreshment.

During recess period, school canteen is the busiest place. Some of them take tea, samosa and bread-pakora. Some of the students play games during the interval. Some sit in groups and enjoy gossiping. During winter, the lawns are full to their capacity. In summers, there is a great rush at the water-taps and the water-coolers.

I finish my refreshment and then rush to the reading- room. The students read newspapers and magazines. If I am late then it is difficult to get a seat.

For teachers, it is a time to relax. Again the bell rings and recess comes to an end. The students run to their class-rooms.

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